Lethbridge Must Get Back To Basics

Who's Signing?

Lee Garner
Leah Brown
Kathy Heidebrecht
Marj Van Camp
Graham Bush
Addison Heggie
Shelley Hamilton
Jason Wiens
Rose Basinger
Gordon Knoch
Neil Hildebrandt
Jolene Oxamitny
Jeffery Hedrich
Daylin Gillespie
Doug Neal
John Gladstone
Cart Macleod
Neil Alho
Cleve Miyashiro
Roy Remus
Robert Avery
Vic Penner
Don Strankman
susan lillemo
Nancy Suceava
Patricia Hickle
Rick Melvin
Ron Toews
Isabel Scotney
Skylah Gillespie

Showing 190 comments

  • Lee Garner
    signed 2024-07-22 22:28:04 -0600
    Time to spend money smarter and listen to the people.The bike lanes are a total waste money.
  • Leah Brown
    signed 2024-07-22 22:24:33 -0600
    Stop hiring outside entities to make decisions you and your Administration should be able to. Hire new admin if they cannot do their overpaid jobs. This city council does not need/deserve more money or less work – I’ve seen 2 at events in 2 years. Quit if you feel so hard done by – we desperately need a new, more diverse council – maybe with some Common Sense and morals.
  • Kathy Heidebrecht
    signed 2024-07-22 21:31:50 -0600
    Yes! Focus on the basics and pull out of all the global Agenda 21/30 activities. You work for us!
  • Marj Van Camp
    signed 2024-07-22 19:39:56 -0600
  • Graham Bush
    signed 2024-07-22 18:41:31 -0600
    Do what is expected of government, not what is expected of the rest of the population.
  • Addison Heggie
    signed 2024-07-22 17:51:51 -0600
  • Shelley Hamilton
    signed 2024-07-22 17:50:47 -0600
  • Jason Wiens
    signed 2024-07-22 17:26:36 -0600
    It is about time the city council to be held accountable for their lacklustre ability to see what the needs of most are neglected to serve the minority.
  • Rose Basinger
    signed 2024-07-22 15:28:40 -0600
  • Gordon Knoch
    signed 2024-07-22 14:25:40 -0600
  • Neil Hildebrandt
    signed 2024-07-22 14:11:15 -0600
  • Jolene Oxamitny
    signed 2024-07-22 13:05:46 -0600
  • Jeffery Hedrich
    signed 2024-07-22 12:25:08 -0600
    Definitely not getting value for money from the current spending plan
  • Daylin Gillespie
    signed 2024-07-22 12:24:24 -0600
  • Doug Neal
    signed 2024-07-22 12:11:33 -0600
  • John Gladstone
    signed 2024-07-22 12:02:47 -0600
  • Cart Macleod
    signed 2024-07-22 11:15:38 -0600
  • Neil Alho
    signed via 2024-07-22 10:37:55 -0600
    Yes, I agree, city hall is wasting tax dollars on foolish projects and we, the taxpayers, are the ones footing the bill. We need our money spent responsibly. Inflation is hurting us all, try to curb spending so we can see a tax cut next year instead of a tax increase.
  • Cleve Miyashiro
    signed 2024-07-22 10:27:13 -0600
    Stop spending money on the downtown ie bike lanes. I’m tired of our property taxes going through the roof and the city council continues to waste our money.

    Another issue is with the amount of lawn they planted and the Lethbridge exhibition hub. What is the cost of maintenance for that? Water and lawn care. They need to stop this and look at plant clove or a low maintenance alternative.
  • Roy Remus
    signed 2024-07-22 09:54:29 -0600
    Higgins has been good but taxes have gone up even more. Get rid of silly expenses like Oki.
  • Robert Avery
    signed 2024-07-22 09:41:24 -0600
    There is a very short list of things that government must do and Lethbridge is not doing them efficiently if at all. Taxes are some of the highest in Alberta and we need a total Ralph Klein-type shake-up to cure this creeping disease.
  • Vic Penner
    signed 2024-07-22 09:39:20 -0600
  • Don Strankman
    signed 2024-07-22 09:33:47 -0600
  • susan lillemo
    signed 2024-07-22 08:59:08 -0600
  • Nancy Suceava
    signed 2024-07-22 08:54:19 -0600
  • Patricia Hickle
    signed 2024-07-22 08:50:12 -0600
  • Rick Melvin
    signed 2024-07-22 08:40:33 -0600
  • Ron Toews
    signed 2024-07-22 08:28:22 -0600
  • Isabel Scotney
    signed 2024-07-22 08:14:06 -0600
  • Skylah Gillespie
    signed 2024-07-22 08:11:03 -0600