Lethbridge Minute: Succession Planning, Parade Marshal, and Continued Crime Concerns

Lethbridge Minute: Succession Planning, Parade Marshal, and Continued Crime Concerns


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • On Tuesday, at 12:30 pm, there will be a City Council meeting. Deputy Mayor Jeff Carlson will bring forward an Official Business Motion regarding Succession Planning for Council. This policy would cover what happens if a Councillor can't finish their term, who takes over their duties, how they're paid during this time, and potentially, a transition allowance. Council will consider amendments to the City Manager Bylaw and the City Clerk Bylaw to reduce burden on Councillors and Administration. The changes would move the responsibility of buying, selling, and leasing property to the City Manager, and designate the City Manager, rather than the City Clerk, as the Head of the Public Body.

  • The Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force will meet on Thursday at 7:30 am. The Task Force will discuss Calgary’s Downtown Safety Leadership Table, as well as potential meeting dates for summer.

  • Also on Thursday, at 1:30 pm, there will be a meeting of the Governance Standing Policy Committee. The Committee will receive several presentations, including one regarding the Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan and another regarding the “Team Lethbridge” approach, a community-wide Lethbridge advocacy and government relations effort that has been ongoing since 2008. The Committee will also discuss the City’s land acknowledgement - as a result of restructuring, the Lethbridge Metis Region 3 no longer exists in the City's area. Because of this, the Land Acknowledgement Statement for Lethbridge needs to be updated to reflect this new status. The meeting will end with a confidential session to discuss a Government Relations and Advocacy Update.


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • Issues of crime and safety in Lethbridge's downtown core were highlighted at a meeting of the Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force, revealing a concerning pattern of incidents including weapons and erratic behaviour near residential areas like Landmark Apartments. Efforts led by organizations like The Watch have been ongoing, but challenges persist, with calls for increased police presence and the implementation of new bylaws to address crime effectively. The Deputy Chief of Police outlined efforts to increase the number of police officers for a stronger downtown presence, while stressing collaborative efforts with the City and other organizations as crucial for addressing broader challenges.

  • Duane Kesler was named the honourary marshal of the 2024 Whoop-Up Days parade. With a family legacy of rodeo stock contracting dating back to the 1940s, Kesler has been a key figure in the sport, supplying stock to major rodeos and winning accolades in the Canadian circuit. His commitment to animal welfare and understanding of stock characteristics contributed to his success and reputation in the industry. The choice of marshal aligns with this year’s theme - "Grow Up Western”.

  • Lethbridge recently celebrated National Indigenous Peoples Day with various events across the city, including raising the Métis flag along Métis Trail and Blackfoot Boulevard West, and a celebration at Galt Gardens held by Reconciliation Lethbridge. The day started with a ceremony and traditional dancing, and community members gathered for a diverse range of activities, a tipi village, Indigenous artists, vendors, drummers, and singers. City officials were on hand to highlight the importance of understanding and valuing Lethbridge's Indigenous community, encouraging curiosity and engagement beyond the celebrations.




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  • Common Sense Lethbridge
    published this page in News 2024-06-23 21:20:59 -0600