Lethbridge Minute: Strike Looming, College Resignation, and a Ward System Discussion

Lethbridge Minute: Strike Looming, College Resignation, and a Ward System Discussion


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • There are just two meetings happening this week, down from the originally planned three, as the Audit Committee meeting that was originally scheduled for Wednesday has been cancelled.

  • On Tuesday, the public portion of the City Council meeting will begin at 1:30 pm. Council will discuss the possibility of a 2021 payment deferral for the Lethbridge Hurricanes, as well as ask City Administration to provide a report on the feasibility of implementing a Ward System for municipal elections. Second and third reading will be given to the 2022 Downtown Business Improvement Area Tax Bylaw. If approved, businesses within the defined Business Revitalization Zone would have to pay an additional levy.

  • On Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Civic Works Standing Policy Committee at 1:30 pm. Council will receive a presentation on the proposed location of the Outdoor Sports Courts project, as well as an update on the cityLINK network redesign. There will be a service level review to close out the meeting, but that portion will be held in camera.


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • The faculty union and university administrators at the University of Lethbridge have reached an impasse in their contract negotiations after the union withdrew from formal mediation. The groups are now in a formal two-week "cooling off" period, but the union says a strike is still possible after this period finishes.

  • Active cases of COVID-19 dropped significantly across Alberta. There is still limited eligibility for PCR tests, so the actual numbers may be off, but the trend seems clear.

  • After serving nine years as CEO and President of Lethbridge College, Dr. Paula Burns has announced she plans to resign from the institution at the end of May. Dr. Burns is the eighth President in the College’s history and oversaw many achievements, including the opening of the Trades, Technologies, and Innovation Facility in 2017, the growth of the Centre for Applied Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and the launch of LC Extension, among many others.




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