Lethbridge Minute: Solar Panels, Eagle Feather, and Recovery Alberta Moves
Lethbridge Minute: Solar Panels, Eagle Feather, and Recovery Alberta Moves
Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics
This Week In Lethbridge:
- On Tuesday, at 12:30 pm, there will be a City Council Organizational Meeting. There are two items on the agenda - Administration Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees of Council and to External Committees, as well as the2025 Council and Standing Policy Committee Meeting Calendar.
- Also on Tuesday, immediately following the Organizational Meeting, there will be a meeting of City Council. Councillor Belinda Crowson will bring forward an Administrative Inquiry regarding solar panels. The inquiry notes that community members frequently wonder why City Hall lacks solar panels, especially when the nearby County building features them, and asks whether there are plans for installing solar panels on City Hall or other municipal buildings in the future. There are also three confidential reports on the agenda, one regarding a labour relations update, another regarding a City Manager update, and the third relating to a status update on the Affordable and Social Housing Capital Grant.
- The Governance Standing Policy Committee will meet on Thursday at 12:30 pm. The meeting will begin with the election of a Chair and Vice-Chair. Then, the Committee will receive several presentations, including one regarding the Waste Management Master Plan, another about the 2024 Japanese Garden Master Plan, and one providing a summary of recommendations from the Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force.
Last Week In Lethbridge:
- Recovery Alberta has moved its operations from the Lethbridge Provincial Building to the Lethbridge Train Station. Partial clinic-based services at the new location will start on October 21st, with full services available from October 22nd. Staff have been preparing for this transition, which will not affect ongoing community outreach appointments. The new facility will offer various programs, including adult community services, mental health outreach for seniors, family violence treatment, and intensive mental health support.
- The School of Justice Studies at Lethbridge Polytechnic has received an Indigenous eagle feather, a symbol of trust, strength, wisdom, and freedom, to be used in its courtroom. The feather will serve a similar role to religious texts during oaths sworn by students and police cadets. The event marking the feather's introduction also included a smudging and blessing ceremony, reinforcing its significance in the justice system.
- According to the latest quarterly report from the College of Physicians & Surgeons of Alberta, Lethbridge has seen an increase in the number of practicing physicians, with 313 doctors now in the city - seven more than the previous quarter. Over the past year, the city experienced a net gain of 22 physicians, marking a 7.6% increase.
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