Lethbridge Minute: Recipe Book, Housing Prices, and a Friday Evening Event

Lethbridge Minute: Recipe Book, Housing Prices, and a Friday Evening Event


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • Council is on summer vacation until September, but there will be one meeting at City Hall. The Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force will meet on Thursday at 7:30 am. The Task Force will review a downtown fire safety brochure and hear an update on the Galt Gardens landscaping project.

  • The 2024 Whoop-Up Days will kick off with the traditional parade on Tuesday at 9:00 am. The parade starts from Park Place Shopping Centre and ends at Galbraith Elementary School. City Hall will be closed during the parade, but a free Mayor's Community Barbecue will follow from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm outside City Hall. The Whoop-Up Days fairgrounds open at 12:00 pm, with festivities running through August 24th.

  • Speaking of Whoop-Up Days, we’re hosting a Whoop-Up Days BBQ on Friday, August 23rd along with our friends at the Alberta Institute and Project Confederation. We'll meet at the Henderson Horseshoe from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. To keep the event free and as accessible as possible, it will be BYOHDB (Bring Your Own Hot-Dogs and Burgers). We will be providing some snacks and non-alcoholic beverages, so if you'd like to make a voluntary donation to help us cover costs, $10 is a suggested donation. Please RSVP here. Hope to see you there!



Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • In Lethbridge, home prices increased by 19.1% over the past year, with the average house selling for around $391,104. Detached homes in the city saw a 14.6% rise, reaching an average price of $438,325. Although prices in Lethbridge didn't rise as sharply as in Medicine Hat, the city remains in a strong seller's market, with less than two months of housing supply available. Despite these gains, home prices in Lethbridge are still below Alberta's provincial average of $493,549.

  • "Lethbridge Farm-to-Table: Flavours from Southern Alberta," a new recipe book, has been released. Created by Tourism Lethbridge and Alberta Food Tourism Strategies, the book promotes local agricultural products with 25 recipes from 13 local chefs, producers, and business owners, each highlighting a regional product. The recipe book is free to download online on the Tourism Lethbridge website.

  • Nominations have opened for the 2024 Reconciliation Awards, celebrating those who drive positive change and unity within the community. The awards, which will be presented in seven categories including Youth, Young Adult, Community Leader, Education, Indigenous Leadership, Corporation or Private Sector, and Not-for-Profit Organization, recognize contributions to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. Submissions are being accepted online until September 6th at 4:30 pm.




Common Sense Lethbridge doesn't accept any government funding and never will. We think you should be free to choose, for yourself, which organizations to support. If you're in a position to contribute financially, you can make a donation here.



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  • Common Sense Lethbridge
    published this page in News 2024-08-18 14:30:27 -0600