Lethbridge Minute: Pickleball Courts, Unemployment Falls, and Behaviour Bylaw Passes

Lethbridge Minute: Pickleball Courts, Unemployment Falls, and Behaviour Bylaw Passes


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • There are two meetings scheduled at City Hall this week, starting with a meeting of the Economic Standing Policy Committee on Wednesday at 1:30 pm. At this meeting, the Committee will receive several presentations, including a report on the Lethbridge and District Exhibition and a presentation from Tourism Lethbridge. The Committee will also receive a number of submissions, including an update on the Green Bins and a report on toxic and e-waste disposal options.

  • On Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Cultural and Social Standing Policy Committee at 1:30 pm. At this meeting, the Committee will discuss changes to the Community Wellbeing and Safety Committee Governance Model, which looks to address gaps in the Committee’s membership, as well as the selection and budget processes. Finally, the Committee will also discuss affordable and social housing initiatives, drawing from figures and housing providers in a report addressed to Edmonton City Council.

  • The Lethbridge Police will be conducting a random telephone survey over the next few weeks in an effort to obtain information from residents regarding policing and evaluate the overall performance of the Lethbridge Police Service. Information gathered will be used to help LPS identify areas for improvement and help set policing priorities in the community.


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • City Council unanimously approved a bad behaviour bylaw, which will see acts such as littering, spraying graffiti, panhandling, and spitting in public carry a fine of up to $300. The bylaw goes into effect July 1st. Perhaps a bad spending bylaw could be next? Every time someone proposes wasteful spending at City Hall they get a $300 fine? We're joking, of course, but sometimes...

  • Speaking of spending money, Council unanimously approved the addition of six new pickleball courts to help meet the demand of an apparently rapidly growing sport in the City of Lethbridge. It's great it's growing rapidly, but since when did a sport growing rapidly automatically mean the taxpayer has to pay for it?

  • The unemployment rate for Lethbridge-Medicine Hat fell to 5.1% in April, down from 5.5% in March. The unemployment rate was slightly better than the Provincial unemployment rate, which is now 5.9%, down from 6.5% in March, and even slightly below the national average, which is now 5.2%. Keep it coming!




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