Lethbridge Minute: Parking Changes, Rent Increases, and University COVID Plans
Lethbridge Minute: Parking Changes, Rent Increases, and University COVID Plans
Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics
This Week In Lethbridge:
There will be a meeting of the Civic Works Standing Policy Committee on Thursday at 1:30 pm. On the agenda is a proposed amendment to the Copperwood Stage 2 Outline Plan that would introduce a mixed-use site allowing for commercial units on the main floor of buildings with residential units above. There will also be consideration of one-time funding from the Electric Reserve of $500,000 to complete a Chinook Trail Functional Planning Study in 2023. This study is needed to determine the costs associated with infrastructure for an improved electrical grid.
The City is still looking to fill positions on the newly formed Ward Boundary Commission. The deadline has been extended until September 5th, 2022 at 11:59 pm. Interested residents should apply on the City’s website.
- Changes are coming to parking services. The City will amalgamate Parking Operations and Parking Enforcement and move them to the downtown Park ‘n’ Ride Transit Terminal. City officials say the move is an effort to offer all parking services at one location and to provide better customer service. The changes begin September 1st.
Last Week In Lethbridge:
- Lethbridge’s post-secondary institutions announced their COVID-19 plans for fall. Students are set to return to a more familiar environment as neither Lethbridge College nor the University of Lethbridge will require masks or proof of vaccination to attend class on campus. Masks and hand sanitizer will be readily available to those who want them.
- Whoop-Up Days celebrated 125 years of history and kicked off with the annual parade designed to showcase the many organizations and cultures that make Lethbridge such a great place to live. After the parade, residents enjoyed the inaugural Mayor’s Community Barbeque and lined up to get a free burger, chips, and pop. The barbeque featured live music from local artist Trevor Panczak. While there was no rain on the parade, some events were interrupted by stormy weather later in the week.
- Data from the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation showed that rent in Lethbridge has increased by almost 4% - higher than the increase in either Calgary or Edmonton. Vacancy rates have also been cut almost in half, leading to a precarious situation for Lethbridge’s large university population, whose campuses cannot accommodate all those seeking a place to live.
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