Lethbridge Minute: Organics Collection, Rotary LobsterFest, and cityLINK Made Permanent
Lethbridge Minute: Organics Collection, Rotary LobsterFest, and cityLINK Made Permanent
Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics
This Week In Lethbridge:
There is only one meeting scheduled at City Hall this week, after Wednesday’s meeting of the Audit Committee was cancelled.
On Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Civic Works Standing Policy Committee at 1:30 pm. At this meeting, the Committee is set to receive a Multifamily Organics Collection update from the General Manager, Waste and Recycling. Public engagement will begin in fall 2022 and will look for input from residents regarding the collection plan.
- If you’re in the mood for delicious food, check out the Lethbridge Rotary LobsterFest this Saturday at the Sandman Signature Lodge from 5:00 pm to 11:00 pm. Live entertainment will be provided for the evening, with all proceeds going to support local charities.
Last Week In Lethbridge:
- Council decided to make the controversial cityLINK transit system permanent. The 7-2 decision comes despite numerous complaints from residents that the service has become less accessible since the system was first introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Council seems to think that a 65% increase in ridership since cityLINK was first introduced proves the success of the program, but that increase is almost entirely the result of COVID-19 restrictions lifting. Council did commit to making quarterly adjustments based on public feedback.
- Phase one of the City’s new curbside organics collection program officially rolled out, with approximately 1,900 homes now having a green bin. Collection is scheduled to begin for areas in Varsity Village, Legacy Ridge, and Hardieville on May 12th. These three areas were included in the first phase for reasons that include socioeconomics, tree cover, road size, and more. City-wide implementation is scheduled for spring 2023.
- You may notice a new 368 area code on your caller ID. Alberta’s fifth area code was officially introduced last week in an effort to meet demand. So, if you see a number starting with 368, don’t immediately assume it's scammers or some other unwanted caller. It could just be a friend with a new phone and area code.
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