Lethbridge Minute: Naming Rights, Algae Bloom, and Link Pathway Opening

Lethbridge Minute: Naming Rights, Algae Bloom, and Link Pathway Opening


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • Council is on summer vacation until September, so there are no meetings at City Hall this week.

  • The first phase of the MPE Link Pathway, connecting Lethbridge to Coaldale, is set to open. A grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place on Thursday at 11:00 am. This initial 4.7-kilometre stretch extends from Coaldale to Highway 512. Paving is complete for this phase, and planning is underway for the next segment.

  • It’s Heritage Day! Several City services and facilities are operating on modified schedules today. The Lethbridge 311 contact center and City Hall will be closed, as will the Waste and Recycling Centre. Transit services will operate on a Sunday schedule, and the Galt Museum, Fort Whoop-Up, and all branches of the Lethbridge Public Library will be closed, while the Helen Schuler Nature Centre will be open during its regular hours. Hope you’re having a wonderful long weekend!



Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • Spitz International signed an agreement to retain the naming rights of Spitz Stadium for at least another five years, following a $250,000 deal with the City of Lethbridge. Spitz also committed to a 10-year, $100,000 sponsorship of the Lethbridge Longhorns and a one-time $10,000 funding for additional stadium signage. Originally named Henderson Stadium, Spitz acquired naming rights in 2008 and extended the agreement due to a season lost to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current deal will last through the 2029 Lethbridge Bulls season.

  • The City has issued a warning about a cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) bloom at Henderson Lake. Residents are advised to avoid contact with the water, wash with tap water if contact occurs, and prevent pets and children from swimming or wading in the lake. Fish from the lake should not be fed to pets, and human consumption of fish from the lake should be limited due to potential toxin accumulation. The advisory will remain in effect until further notice, and the City is collaborating with Lethbridge Polytechnic to monitor and manage the algae blooms.

  • Some businesses have signed up to take part in the blueW initiative to help residents stay hydrated during the hot summer in southern Alberta. This community-based program offers free refills of clean tap water at participating local businesses, which can be identified by a blueW sticker in their window - just bring your own reusable bottles for the refills. The initiative includes a website map of participating businesses and provides an option for businesses to join by filling out an online form. Residents can also access water at four public drinking stations located in City parks.




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  • Common Sense Lethbridge
    published this page in News 2024-08-04 01:03:10 -0600