Lethbridge Minute: Faculty Strikes, Border Protests, and Police Reprimand Delayed
Lethbridge Minute: Faculty Strikes, Border Protests, and Police Reprimand Delayed
Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics
This Week In Lethbridge:
City Hall is set to have a quiet week this week, with just two meetings listed on the City website.
Today there will be a Special Meeting of City Council at 2:00 pm. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can say about this meeting, other than it will be in-camera and deal with a human resources matter.
- On Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Community Safety Standing Policy Committee at 1:30 pm. The meeting will begin with an interactive presentation by the Palix Foundation intended to provide information on the value of the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative Brain Story program. Council is also set to receive a Clean & Safe Committee update, as well as a presentation on the operational needs of local fire and EMS.
Last Week In Lethbridge:
- The University of Lethbridge Faculty Association have voted in favour of strike action, with more than 90% of votes cast being in favour. The earliest a strike could start is Thursday, and there are more discussions planned before then, but the semester now seems in serious jeopardy for students.
- The Lethbridge police officer who pleaded guilty to five charges relating to the spreading of offensive messages during the “MemeGate” debacle will have to wait a little longer to learn the verdict of a sixth charge. Two fellow officers provided evidence in a hearing Wednesday, but the presiding officer reserved his decision until February 23rd.
- Things are heating up at the Coutts border crossing with no clear end in sight. Tensions have reached a boiling point as the RCMP warned protesters of possible arrests for participating in a blockade of the Canada-U.S. border. Things seemed to be moving in one direction earlier in the week, with organizers expressing their intent to disband the blockade, but things took another turn on Thursday when protestors indicated their renewed intent to remain at the border.
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