Lethbridge Minute: Election Results, Play Space, and Standing Policy Committees

Lethbridge Minute: Election Results, Play Space, and Standing Policy Committees


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • Wednesday's Audit Committee meeting and Thursday's Community Safety Standing Policy Committee have both been cancelled due to lack of agenda items. There are no other meetings scheduled.

  • Construction is set to begin soon on the Galt Gardens Inclusive and Accessible Play Space. This new space will be located immediately adjacent to the Rotary Centennial Fountain in the southeast corner of the park, and will consist of inclusive and accessible play equipment. The City of Lethbridge secured a $375,000 grant through the Canadian Community Revitalization Fund, with the total project cost coming in at $662,000. There are some concerns regarding proximity to encampments and areas of social disorder, but the City says they are working on those issues. Construction should be complete by mid-September 2023.

  • There is now a permanent endowment for the Ric Suggitt Women’s Rugby Memorial Award thanks to a $20,000 donation from Toby and Bernadine Boulet, University of Lethbridge alumni. The award is given annually to a women’s rugby player at the university, and its name is a tribute to former rugby coach Ric Suggitt.


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • Danielle Smith and the United Conservative Party won a majority government in the provincial election. Representation in Lethbridge remains unchanged - the UCP’s Nathan Neudorf was reelected in Lethbridge-East, while Shannon Phillips of the NDP was reelected in Lethbridge-West. The CEO of the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce congratulated both MLAs and encouraged them to follow through on campaign promises.

  • Streets Alive Mission, a non-profit that aims to help people in Lethbridge who are recovering from addiction, has purchased the Galt Manor building on 7 Street South. The money was raised from private donors and the building will provide 12 units of housing - helping more people through the final stage of Streets Alive’s four-step recovery program.

  • The Governance Standing Policy Committee received a report containing proposed changes that would streamline the structure of Council’s Standing Policy Committees (SPCs). Potential changes include combining the role and mandates of the Advocacy Advisory Committee into the Governance SPC, combining the Community Safety SPC and the Cultural and Social SPC into a new SPC called the Social and Safety SPC, and giving several SPCs authority to oversee the expenditure of $75,000 without the full vote of Council. A motion was approved that will see Administration report back on June 22nd with a one-page visual that shows changes to the SPC structure.




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