Lethbridge Minute: Culture Plan, Digital Concierge, and a Town Hall Event
Lethbridge Minute: Culture Plan, Digital Concierge, and a Town Hall Event
Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics
This Week In Lethbridge:
- There will be a City Council meeting on Tuesday at 12:30 pm. Councillor John Middleton-Hope will bring forward an Official Business Motion regarding customer parking at City Hall. The motion recognizes that, while there is complimentary parking behind City Hall, it's not well known, which can be a barrier for visitors. To improve access, the motion is proposing a permanent, free 15-minute grace period for parking in front of City Hall, as is usually available during the last week of June for property tax payments. The Motion directs Administration to prepare a report on the feasibility, costs, benefits, and control mechanisms for this proposal. At 3:00 pm, there will be a Public Hearing regarding an application to rezone the southwest corner of London Road Park and the adjacent property. The plan aims to address safety concerns in the park by developing medium-scaled residential buildings that would overlook the park. This proposal would reduce the park's size by 26.8%.
- A meeting of the Assets and Infrastructure Standing Policy Committee, originally scheduled for Thursday, has been cancelled.
- We’re hosting a Public Safety Town Hall event on Friday, at 6:00 pm at the German Canadian Club, and there will now be a third speaker! Josh Andrus, Executive Director of Project Confederation, will be discussing bail reform, and the part that the federal government has played in deteriorating safety in our cities. Mayor Blaine Hyggen and Councillor John Middleton-Hope will be in attendance to address community concerns and outline the steps the City is taking to enhance safety in Lethbridge. You’ll have the opportunity to voice your concerns, ask questions, and engage directly with local leaders about the issues that matter most to you. Tickets are $10 and go directly to offsetting the costs of putting on events like this. You can purchase yours online here.
Last Week In Lethbridge:
Business owners and residents in downtown Lethbridge were advised of upcoming construction work. Beginning this week, key activities include upgrading and resurfacing parking areas on 7 Street South between 5 Avenue and 6 Avenue, adding accessible parking and bike traffic ramps, and installing pavement lines and cycling lane blocks. Similar work, including pavement line painting and wheelchair ramp additions, will occur between 4 Avenue and 5 Avenue, and enhancements to the accessible parking ramp near the CIBC will be made between 3 Avenue and 4 Avenue. Minor repairs near the former Scotiabank building will also take place.
- The Governance Standing Policy Committee reviewed the 2024 Civic Culture Plan, aimed at making Lethbridge an intercultural hub and fostering inclusivity. This plan, developed with community input, emphasizes celebrating diversity through festivals, public art, and multicultural events. Implementation will occur over ten years in three phases, with each phase strategically planned. The plan calls for updating the Public Art Master Plan and developing a cultural heritage policy to support diverse cultural groups and Indigenous governance principles.
- The Lethbridge Lodging Association, in collaboration with Lethbridge College, announced the development of a digital concierge named Kelly to enhance visitor experiences in the city. This virtual tour guide will provide interactive recommendations on local attractions, dining, and shopping, and is expected to launch in June. The concierge, tested at the College, will be available in hotel lobbies and other venues, offering personalized assistance. Kelly can respond to various accents and is being programmed with Blackfoot words. This initiative aims to make visitor information more accessible and engaging, replacing traditional pamphlets with a more interactive experience.
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