Lethbridge Minute: Taxi Deregulation, Leaf Removal, and Housing Projects Approved

Lethbridge Minute: Taxi Deregulation, Leaf Removal, and Housing Projects Approved


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • There will be a meeting of the Community Safety Standing Policy Committee on Thursday at 1:30 pm. The Committee will discuss deregulating taxi fares and amalgamating various animal-related bylaws into one modernized Animal Control Bylaw.

  • The City’s fall leaf collection program is now underway. Residents can schedule pickups until November 10th by calling 311. There are a number of guidelines to follow for pickups, including putting the leaves into paper yard waste bags, setting them out 24 hours prior to the collection date, and positioning them 1.5 meters away from waste carts.

  • The Can’t Stop Alberta Tour is coming to Lethbridge on Friday. The Common Sense Lethbridge team will be joining the Alberta Institute for a fun evening at Hudsons Pub. We’ll be discussing some important, topical issues in provincial and municipal politics. You can RSVP by clicking here, and view the list of other events online. Hope to see you there!


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • Lethbridge College’s current enrollment has increased by 8% from last year, with a total of around 5,500 students, mirroring pre-COVID-19 figures. This growth is largely driven by a 20% surge in apprenticeship program enrollments and international students, who now make up approximately one-fifth of the student population. Domestic enrollment remains relatively unchanged.

  • Council approved an expansion to the City’s snow and ice control services in response to residential feedback. The changes for the upcoming winter season include more residential plowing and less snow removal (except in specific areas like hospitals and schools), activation of snow routes during heavy snow events with temporary parking restrictions, and plowing to the right on selected snow route roadways. Residents located on new snow routes will receive a postcard outlining the various ways to stay informed about when parking restrictions are activated.

  • Council approved funding for two housing projects aimed at supporting seniors and men recovering from substance addiction. The first project involves retrofitting an existing building to create 50 housing units for seniors, with 37 units meeting the City's definition of affordable housing. The second project supports the expansion of the Exodus Program by Streets Alive Mission, offering recovery support for men with substance addiction. The program will purchase an eight-plex building to provide 32 bedrooms/program spaces, with participants paying $600 per month. Both projects receive additional funding from private donors and the provincial government.




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