Lethbridge Minute: Parking Fees, Nuisance Bylaw, and Ward System Feedback

Lethbridge Minute: Parking Fees, Nuisance Bylaw, and Ward System Feedback


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • There are two meetings scheduled at City Hall this week, starting with a City Council Meeting on Tuesday at 1:30 pm. Council will begin this meeting in camera but once the meeting opens to the public again they will give second and third reading to several tax rate bylaws.

  • On Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Community Safety Standing Policy Committee at 1:30 pm. At this meeting, the Committee will receive a presentation on an Operation and Staffing model from the Chief of Lethbridge's Fire & EMS services. The Committee is also set to agree to a Memorandum of Understanding between the Palix Foundation, the University of Lethbridge, and the City of Lethbridge to promote the implementation of the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative.

  • Neuron Mobility is backtracking from their previous decision to not offer E-Bike and E-Scooter services on the city’s northside, after some residents couldn’t help but feel left out. With warm summer weather ahead, do you plan on taking one for spin?


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • In an effort to “reduce the ENMAX Centre’s reliance on support from the Lethbridge taxpayers”, the City of Lethbridge announced they will begin charging a $5 fee for parking at the venue from September 1st, 2022. The Lethbridge Hurricanes, with 2,100 season ticket holders, were not consulted about the situation. After more discussion, the City and the organization both agreed not to charge the fee to season ticket holders during Hurricanes games.

  • The Governance and Standing Policy Committee voted to postpone an official decision on the use of a ward system for City elections by a month. The delay comes as the City looks to undertake more public engagement regarding potential wards and ward sizes, and educate residents on what they can expect to see during the next municipal election.

  • The Community Safety Standing Policy Committee recommended that Council consider a bylaw to ban littering, panhandling, and spitting in public as well as other undesirable behaviours like fighting, bullying, weapons, and fireworks. Violations could come with a fine of $300. It will be interesting to see how enforcement will take place. The bylaw is on Monday’s City Council meeting agenda.




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