Lethbridge Minute: OKI Signs, Hotel Woes, and Exhibition Funding Denied

Lethbridge Minute: OKI Signs, Hotel Woes, and Exhibition Funding Denied


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • We've upgraded our email system! If you previously subscribed to our newsletters but haven't received any until this point, we apologize for the inconvenience and we look forward to bringing you important updates and information about what's going on at City Hall! You can review any past newsletters you may have missed online, by clicking here. And, if you're still experiencing problems, well, then you're not reading this, are you?!

  • There will be a special meeting of City Council this morning at 9:00 am to discuss the financial situation at the Lethbridge and District Exhibition. (More information below!).  Unfortunately, the entirety of the meeting will be held in-camera (in secret). On Tuesday, at 8:00 am, the inaugural meeting of the Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force, will be held. The Task Force is a sub-committee of the Safety and Social Standing Policy Committee. At this meeting, the Task Force will elect a Chair and a Vice-Chair, set their meeting dates and times for 2024, and review their Terms of Reference. (More on these below!).

  • The City is planning to expand its OKI sign initiative in the new year. Originally, six unique OKI signs were unveiled during Reconciliation Week in fall 2022. Oki is the Blackfoot word for "greetings" or "welcome," officially adopted by the City in 2019. These signs, now permanently hosted at participating organizations, aim to promote reconciliation and integrate Blackfoot culture and language into regular business activities. The City is inviting local organizations interested in having their own sign to apply by showcasing their commitment to reconciliation and initiatives involving Blackfoot culture and language. The deadline for applications is January 15th, 2024.


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • The Lethbridge & District Exhibition's request for provincial funding for the Agri-Food Hub & Trade Centre has been denied, meaning that the Exhibition will not receive the funds Council had offered contingent on that provincial funding. The organization sought assistance due to budget shortfalls caused by inflation, interest rates, supply chain issues, and lingering COVID-19 impacts. Council had conditionally offered $1 million, a $583,000 debt deferral, and one-time funding of $500,000, if the Province agreed to provide just over $1 million in capital funding. With the Province declining the request, Council will convene today in a closed meeting to discuss options.

  • Council has approved the terms of reference for the Downtown Lawlessness Reduction Task Force, established to address concerns about ongoing disorder downtown. The Task Force comprises members of Council, City of Lethbridge administration, Downtown Lethbridge BRZ, Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services, and the Lethbridge Police Service. Mayor Blaine Hyggen emphasized public safety as the top priority, stating that the purpose of the Task Force is to tackle issues head-on. The Task Force will be active for the next year and will be reviewed before the end of 2024, with any recommendations going through the Safety and Social Standing Policy Committee for formal adoption by Council.

  • The tourism recovery celebrated by the province hasn't extended to Lethbridge's hotel industry, according to information presented at the Alberta Hotel & Lodging Association’s Ascend conference. While Alberta saw an overall increase in tourism spending to $10.7 billion in 2022, Lethbridge's hotel occupancy rate dropped by 10%, from 62% in 2019 to 52% in 2023. In contrast, other cities like Grande Prairie, Red Deer, and Fort McMurray experienced growth in all three categories.




Common Sense Lethbridge doesn't accept any government funding and never will. We think you should be free to choose, for yourself, which organizations to support. If you're in a position to contribute financially, you can make a donation here.



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  • Peter McCaffrey
    published this page in News 2023-12-17 22:49:13 -0700