Lethbridge Minute: Budget Reviews, Summer Reopening, and the Mayoral Race Heats Up

Lethbridge Minute: Budget Reviews, Summer Reopening, and the Mayoral Race Heats Up


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • The week at City Hall will start on Tuesday with a City Council meeting at 1:30 pm that will include, amongst other things, a final review of the City's 2021-2022 operating budget. This will be followed by a Public Hearing at 4:00 pm that will focus on the West Lethbridge Employment Centre Area Structure Plan.

  • On Thursday, there will be a meeting of the Cultural and Social Standing Policy Committee at 1:30 pm that will receive presentations from the YMCA, the Sir Alexander Galt Museum, and more, and receive submissions about 2021 Community Capital Grants, Fee Assistance, Indigenous Relations, and more.

  • On Friday, there will be a meeting of the Audit Committee at 2:00 pm, but there is no Agenda available for this meeting yet.


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • A breath of fresh air and a sigh of relief for residents and small business owners as Alberta moved to Stage 2 last Thursday. Under Stage 2, outdoor gatherings of up to 20 people are now permitted and outdoor concerts and festivals can welcome as many as 150 people. Indoor gatherings are still prohibited, but capacity limits on funerals and weddings have increased to 20 people. Gyms and fitness studios can reopen for solo and drop-in activities so long as social distance requirements are met. Restaurants can now offer indoor dining with restrictions, while casinos, museums, and libraries can also reopen.

  • There are now five candidates running for Mayor in the upcoming municipal election after sitting City Councillor, Blaine Hyggen, announced his candidacy. A full list of everyone officially registered to run for both Mayor and Council is available on the City's website.

  • There was also some good news for the local economy as the 2021 Professional Bull Riders Canada Cup Series was given the green light to make Lethbridge the first stop in the Series. The season will launch at the Enmax Centre on August 27th and August 28th with in person attendance!




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