Lethbridge Minute: Agriscience Investment, Wastewater Upgrade, and Mural Program Expansion

Lethbridge Minute: Agriscience Investment, Wastewater Upgrade, and Mural Program Expansion


Lethbridge Minute - Your weekly one-minute summary of Lethbridge politics


This Week In Lethbridge:

  • On Tuesday, there will be a meeting of City Council. The meeting begins with a closed session at 12:30 pm, before opening up to the public at 1:30 pm. There are several items on the public agenda, including increases to electric distribution fees, an Encampment Strategy update, and the expansion of the Low Income Transit Pass. Councillor Crowson will give a report on the Canadian Association of Police Governance Conference, and Council will discuss borrowing an eye-popping $71,404,000 in order to complete the Wastewater System Expansion and Upgrades. A Public Hearing will take place at 3:00 pm to address a few zoning amendments.

  • There will be a meeting of the Governance Standing Policy Committee on Thursday at 1:30 PM. The Committee will hear an update on the City’s new website. After a cost benefit analysis, the recommendation from Administration is not to proceed with the proposed citizen portal at this current time. Near the end of the meeting, there will be a confidential discussion about an intergovernmental item.

  • On Friday, there will be a meeting of the Advocacy Advisory Committee at 9:00 am. Much of this meeting will be held in-camera (in secret) to discuss the City’s advocacy plans.


Last Week In Lethbridge:

  • Three new constables have joined the Lethbridge Police Service after graduating from 22 weeks of training. The Police Cadet Training Program, developed in partnership with Lethbridge College, aims to help meet the demands of the law enforcement industry, and trains would-be police officers in everything from firearms to interpersonal communication. There are now two cadet classes every year for the next three years, in the hopes of attracting more candidates to the LPS. The Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services also put recruits through a training session, teaching nine people essential survival skills, like how to disentangle themselves from wires or get out of an upper-storey window.

  • Corteva Agriscience completed a $50-million upgrade at its Lethbridge facility - the company’s primary canola seed production and distribution site in North America. Corteva employs more than 100 people from Lethbridge and neighboring regions, and collaborates closely with local farmers. The company has been operating in Lethbridge for 15 years now and the recent upgrade was four years in the making.

  • The City announced that the Public Art Program is seeking Expressions of Interest from building owners and artists who want to have a mural installed on a high-visibility exterior wall. The Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge has been hired to administer the program, which is fully funded by the City. The previous mural program was limited to the downtown core, but has now expanded to include the rest of the city. Murals are supposed to reflect at least one of the guiding principles of the Public Art Master Plan - either Inclusivity, Diversity, Accessibility, Creativity, Sustainability, or Quality. The budget for each mural is between $5,000 and $15,000.




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